Episode 1 - Friday, February
11, 2011 - picking up the mustang at the Ridgecrest,
CA Holding Facility
For more information on Mustangs or The Extreme Mustang
Makeover, visit The
Mustang Heritage Foundation
are chosen by hat-draw for each Extreme Mustang Makeover
Participant. When Trainers arrive at the holding facility,
they do not know the age or sex of their horse until
they receive their draw.
When trainers
get their assigned horse, it is loaded into the trailer
for the trip home. Cindy's draw was a 3 year old grey
gelding, captured from the BLM Herd Management Area
(HMA) near Ely, Nevada on September 25th, 2010.
a first meeting
Back at YVEC
a first touch
Valley Equestrian Center - 7429 Avalon Avenue - Yucca Valley, CA 92284
- (760) 365-4433 CAllenLapp@aol.com